As of August 10th 2009 "Champion of the Sun" has been renamed "Inner-Office Mail." We recently discovered that the name "Champion of the Sun" was already taken by another band so we thought it in our best interest to bring you the same heart-pounding music under a new name. So, with-out further adieu...please welcome "Inner-Office Mail" to the Aux Sable Records Family.
Hailing from the North Side of Chicago, Inner-Office Mail brings a unique sound and explosive energy to the stage. Founders Dave Stinnette and Kevin Lange began work on the project in late 2008.
Having played for many years, Stinnette manipulates the bass sound into a vast range; from a ghostly wind to a lead guitar to a digital synth, his meticulously crafted settings and effects throw out any notion of the bass guitar being a boring, two dimensional instrument. Lange began tinkering with different vocal effects and distortions, things he never got the chance (or even thought) to do in his other musical pursuits. With the dilemma of being short a drummer, Lange hopped on the drums as well, just to get through practices, but soon simultaneous singing and drumming became second nature.
Being comprised of only a rhythm section, Inner-Office Mail had an unparalleled backbeat that would make even the tragically un-hip start tapping their foot. Mix that beat with poppy vocal hooks that you won't be able to get out of your head for days and you get a band unlike anything you've heard before.
The two piece band took the Chicago scene by storm, but before long it was mutually agreed that another element was needed. In the summer of 2009, Steve Elmore joined the duo to play lead synthesizers. This brought an entire new world of ideas and structure to the band that was not possible before. "Working and beginning recordings with Steve really adds so much to this project. I think he's our ace in the hole to make sure that our music never gets stale or boring," says Lange.
Locked in the studio for the remainder of the summer, Inner-Office Mail will begin touring this fall with the release of new songs. Be sure to check them out.
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